Start Earning What You're Worth.

Start Earning What You're Worth.
Instantly Compare Your Pay & Benefits to other Electricians’ Salaries in Your Area.
Are you an experienced electrician in Cheyenne, El Paso, Elbert, Kit Carson, Lincoln, Park and Teller Counties? Do you want to start earning the salary and benefits you deserve for doing the same work?
How do your salary and benefits compare to licensed electricians covered by an IBEW contract? Use the following form to compare your salary and benefits to the IBEW Contract in your county.
You will immediately see whether you would earn more or less under an IBEW collective bargaining agreement. Select the state and county you wish to compare to first.
Make The Switch And Start Earning What You Deserve.
Are you an experienced electrician?
Do you wish to improve your current working conditions and benefits package?
Contact IBEW Local 113 today about opportunities near you!
Fill out the form below.